AutoEZ:    Change History and Update Instructions

Latest revision:  v. 2.0.30,  26 Jan 2025

Dan Maguire

Current users: If you would like to update your copy of AutoEZ to the latest level just use your personal download link to obtain the most recent installer ("autoezsetup.exe") program. The download link is shown in your purchase confirmation email. Run the new installer to replace your current version. It is not necessary to uninstall beforehand. Any models you may have added to the "\Sample Models" folder will be preserved.

If you have misplaced your purchase confirmation email please contact me directly for assistance.

Important: If you wish to maintain your current model including any variables, formulas, test cases, and perhaps optimizer settings, be sure to use the Save Model As button before running the new installer. The installer will replace your existing AutoEZ workbook with the latest version which is pre-loaded with an introductory "new user" model. Your current model is not automatically transferred to the new workbook.

If the download appears to have failed: Check your browser's download log. You may need to respond to a warning with wording such as "This file is not commonly downloaded." Also, it may be necessary to temporarily disable your anti-virus program. When the download is done you can manually scan the file.

This is a complete list of all changes since the initial v. 1.0.1 release. The revision level which incorporated the change is shown in parenthesis.

  • Support use of insulation loss tangent with all engines. With the NEC-5 engine requires EZNEC Pro+ v. 7.0.4 or later. (2.0.30)

  • Corrected minor annotation text errors on the Patterns/Polar chart. (2.0.29)

  • Insulated wires are now supported when using the external NEC-5 engine with EZNEC Pro+ v. 7.0.3 or later. (2.0.28)

  • In some cases the Currents chart info box showing magnitude and phase was not formatted correctly. (2.0.28)

  • Add support for "Duplicate at" in the Loads table. For an example download (right click and select Save As) the Hi-Z_8_Circle_with_Duplicate_at.weq model file. (2.0.28)

  • All "degrees" and "bullet" special characters in the macro code have been replaced with the UTF-8 equivalents to allow use of AutoEZ under additional non-English operating systems. (2.0.28)

  • Corrected a bug introduced in v. 2.0.24 whereby the informational fields on the Smith chart sheet would not be updated unless the test case spin button was clicked. (2.0.27)

  • With newer versions of Excel the chart legend did not have a border and the Patterns (Polar) and Smith chart legend entries were not visible. (2.0.27)

  • AutoEZ has no equivalent to the EZNEC "Mixed" wire loss. AutoEZ does not support multiple wire loss values, such as "Copper" for wire 1 and "Aluminum" for wire 2. When opening an EZNEC format (*.ez) model file with AutoEZ, if the wire loss is "Mixed" then AutoEZ will apply the wire loss of the first wire to all wires of the model. (2.0.26)

  • Warnings are now shown if a particular EZNEC feature is not supported when using an external NEC-4.2 or external NEC-5 engine, such as split sources with NEC-5. (2.0.26)

  • Near Field calculations with MiniNEC ground are now allowed if using EZNEC v. 6.0.25 or newer, except when using an external NEC-4.2 engine. (2.0.26)

  • When the Type field for a source on the Insr Objs sheet was set using a formula it would be replaced with the equivalent current value of that formula. (2.0.26)

  • AutoEZ did not use the correct segment limit (45000) for the Pro/2+ and Pro/4+ versions of EZNEC. (2.0.26)

  • Ground wave analysis is now supported. Set variable BA to the special text string "Gnd Wave" (without quotes). Set variable BB to the Ground Wave Distance and set variable BC to the Observation Height, both in the current units for wire coordinates. If variable BA is not used or is set to anything other than "Gnd Wave" normal far field calculations will be done. Use of EZNEC Pro/2(+) or Pro/4(+) is required. (2.0.26)

  • Minor changes concerning the display of "NF 3D" charts for Near Field with Cartesian coordinates requests. (2.0.26)

  • AutoEZ can now read files created by the DXE Yagi Mechanical (YM) program, the K7NV Yagi Stress (YS) program, the K6STI Yagi Optimizer (YO) program, and the N6BV Yagi for Windows (YW) program. These files may be read via the normal Open Model File button or via the Create Stepped Diameters dialog window. The latter makes it especially convenient to assign variables for element tip lengths and/or boom positions in order to experiment with changes to the model. For details see "Read YM, YS, YO, and YW Files" on the Miscellaneous Advanced Topics page. (2.0.25)

  • In the Create Stepped Diameters dialog window: 1) The number of supported taper sections has been increased from 9 to 40, 15 of which are visible at any one time. A spin button allows left-right scrolling to see additional sections as necessary. 2) If a tip coordinate override is present it is no longer necessary to enter a dummy value for the final section length. (2.0.25)

  • In the Create Loop dialog window: 1) It is now possible to choose from 16 different values for the number of sides, up from 6 choices previously. 2) For the loop size, in addition to circumference and side length a new option is available to set the diameter of the circumcircle. This is the diameter of a circle that would intersect all corners of the loop (interactive diagram). 3) The text label below the "Wire Dia" field incorrectly showed the XYZ units rather than the intended wire diameter units. (2.0.25)

  • In the Create Radials dialog window it is now possible to choose from 16 different values for the number of radials, up from 6 choices previously. (2.0.25)

  • When using display settings of 120 dpi (125% text size) or larger: 1) The bounding square was not being scaled correctly for the outer circles of the large and small polar charts on the Patterns sheet and for the chart on the Smith sheet. This had the effect of making the text labels appear to be misaligned. 2) In the chart shown on the Optimize sheet the "Frequency" and "MHz" labels were truncated. (2.0.25)

  • With some non-English language versions of Excel use of the Create Stepped Diameters and Create Loop dialogs would result in an invalid formula for the number of segments in each created wire. (2.0.25)

  • When using Excel 2010 or newer some header row cells on the Wires and Calculate sheets did not show a bottom border. (2.0.25)

  • On the Optimize sheet the maximum number of Custom Fr/Rear ranges has been increased from 8 to 24. For details see "Overview: Optional Custom Fr/Rear Ranges" on the Using the Optimizer page. (2.0.25)

  • Certain infrequently-seen reminder messages are now shown once per AutoEZ session rather than one time only. (2.0.25)

  • If cell B10 on the Wires sheet showed an error code such as "#NAME?" or "#VALUE!", attempting to view or calculate the model would lead to a run-time error. (2.0.25)

  • When using EZNEC v. 5.0.68 only, if the EZNEC window was inadvertently closed during an AutoEZ session, the attempted restart of EZNEC by AutoEZ would result in a run-time error. (2.0.25)

  • When reading 4nec2-type NEC files: 1) Added support for use of the Atn() function. 2) In some circumstances a symbol name such as "sep12" was being converted to a date string "12-Sep" leading to errors when parsing expressions. (2.0.25)

  • The letters C and R are unavailable as variable names since they are reserved for Excel use to reference Columns and Rows on a worksheet. Under some non-English language versions of Excel additional letters are also unavailable. For example, under German the letters S and Z are unavailable since German "Spalte" is English "Column" and German "Zeile" is English "Row". Extra logic has been added to AutoEZ to avoid use of such unavailable names if possible when non-English is detected as the current Excel language choice. (2.0.25)

  • Using the optimizer, doing a calculation, then returning to the Optimize sheet and clicking one of the Reset ... buttons would result in a run-time error under some conditions. (2.0.25)

  • If a model specified the use of wire insulation and there were more than 2729 wires in the model, the wire insulation was flagged as invalid. (2.0.24)

  • With models that have a very large number of "marked out" wires, use of the Hide Marked Rows button took a long time to process. (2.0.24)

  • On the Wires sheet, the information only "W___" number in column K did not display correctly for wire numbers greater than 999. (2.0.24)

  • Custom functions CurMag() and CurPhase() will now show the expected results rather than #N/A when used on any sheet, not just on the Calculate sheet. (2.0.24)

  • With some versions of Windows 10 dismissing the "Model has changed" reminder on the Calculate sheet, either manually or automatically by attempting a calculation, would lead to a run-time error. (2.0.23)

  • In the Create Radials dialog window if a variable name was used for diameter and the current value of the variable was a wire gauge, the diameter was flagged as invalid. (2.0.23)

  • The thumb of the vertical scrollbar on the Wires sheet would shrink when a model with more than 100 rows in the wires table was opened. (2.0.22)

  • Viewing a different sheet and then returning to the Wires sheet would lead to a run-time error if the upper-left visible cell at the current scroll position on the Wires sheet showed a formula evaluation error such as "#DIV/0!" or "#VALUE!". (2.0.22)

  • With some versions of Windows 10 the "Model has changed" reminder on the Calculate sheet would stay visible after it had been dismissed. (2.0.22)

  • When the Rev/Norm field for a transmission line or transformer on the Insr Objs sheet was set using a formula it would be replaced with an explicit value of "R" or "N". (2.0.22)

  • When the Include 3D Data in Calculations option is enabled (checked) on the Calculate sheet, if the 3D step size is 1 degree and the ground type is other than Free Space a "type 13" IONCAP/VOACAP file will be created automatically for each test case row. For additional details on this new feature see the end of section "Calculate 3D Data" on page 3D Plots and 3D Data. (2.0.22)

  • It is now possible to have multiple settings for wire insulation. The procedure is explained at the end of section "Wire Insulation" on page Collected Short Examples: Part 7. (2.0.21)

  • On the Patterns sheet, when an azimuth plot is shown an additional choice is available with the Secondary Azimuth Labels button to show only compass rose angle labels. When that option is selected no marker information is displayed on the chart itself. (2.0.21)

  • With some newer versions of Excel, when a different model was opened the built-in variables WL.5, WL.25, and WL.001 were not updated until a calculation was done or the frequency was changed manually. (2.0.21)

  • When using the Scale button, if the model contained a transmission line with length "Actual dist" the length was changed to an invalid value. (2.0.21)

  • When opening MMANA-GAL (.maa) type files, if a source or load was specified as being at the end of a wire (such as "w7e") an incorrect wire number was sometimes shown on the Insr Objs sheet. (2.0.20)

  • To avoid distracting screen jumps the Excel formula bar is now shown on all sheet tabs. (Previously the formula bar was not shown on the various chart sheet tabs.) (2.0.19)

  • On the Insr Objs sheet, under some circumstances AutoEZ would not offer to use previously saved R/X data when building a new impedance matching network. (2.0.19)

  • On the Wires sheet, when the Formulas button was used to show the TempEdit sheet and changes were saved from that sheet, an extraneous comment was added 201 rows below the last wire. (2.0.19)

  • A common mistake made by new users of Excel is to "blank out" a cell using the Space Bar (incorrect) instead of "clearing" the cell using the Delete key (correct). AutoEZ will now automatically catch and correct that action in many cases. (2.0.18)

  • On the Wires sheet, the units for wire insulation thickness would not be visible in some cases when using newer versions of Excel. (2.0.18)

  • On the Optimize sheet, the maximum number of Custom Fr/Rear ranges has been increased from four to eight. For details see "Overview: Optional Custom Fr/Rear Ranges" on the Using the Optimizer page. (2.0.18)

  • On the Insr Objs sheet, if a Wire # is entered as (for example) "W3" instead of "3" the entry will be flagged for correction. (2.0.18)

  • When saving Smith data in Zplots or S1P formats, making GIF files, and saving or recalling snapshot traces, in some cases with newer operating systems the selected folder was not retained for use as the default path for subsequent actions. (2.0.18)

  • For *.nec and *.ant files produced by the DOS program SCALE.EXE:  Catch and correct error in "GS" card of NEC2 format files. Avoid endless loop when reading AO format files. (2.0.18)

  • On the Calculate sheet, option Refresh screen for each test case allows you to decide whether or not to see updates to the thumbnail polar chart and the calculated results rows as calculations are running. Choosing unselected for the option may result in faster total calculation times, especially when running more than a few test cases at once. (picture) (2.0.17)

  • Under Windows 10, use of the Auto-Refresh option of the AutoEZ View Ant button would sometimes result in an "Excel is not responding" error. (2.0.17)

  • Under some circumstances changes to the values column of the Variables sheet were not recognized as requiring a refresh of the EZNEC View Antenna window. (2.0.17)

  • With newer versions of Excel, if a model was opened and a prompt was shown to change the SWR reference Zo, accepting the new Zo led to a run-time error. (2.0.17)

  • If any changes are made to the Wires sheet or to the values column of the Variables sheet and the EZNEC View Antenna window is open, an option is available to automatically refresh the View Antenna window in order to show the changes. If you do not want that to happen you can either close the View Antenna window or uncheck the Auto-Refresh option of the AutoEZ View Ant button. If you are using EZNEC v. 6.0.8 or newer the "viewing perspective" of the View Antenna window will be maintained with the refresh. Note that the EZNEC View Antenna window is always closed, and hence the "viewing perspective" is reset, whenever a calculation is requested. That is done so as not to impact the time needed to complete the calculation. (picture) (2.0.16)

  • In the Create Stepped Diameters and Create Loop dialog windows it is now possible to undo the most recent operation and to invoke View Antenna without closing the dialog window. (2.0.16)

  • In the Move/Copy, Rotate, and Scale dialog windows it is now possible to perform multiple operations, undo the most recent operation, select different wires to be changed, and invoke View Antenna, all without closing the dialog window. With Rotate it is now possible to specify an alternate center of rotation other than the X, Y, or Z axis. (picture) (2.0.16)

  • On the Wires sheet, if a row has entries for End 1 and End 2 XYZ coordinates but does not have an entry in the Diameter or Segments cells, that row will no longer show as a "wire" (with a W#) in the For Information Only columns. (2.0.16)

  • On the Wires sheet, if the insulation Dielectric Constant (relative permittivity) is greater than 1 and the Thickness is greater than 0, both fields will be shown in red as a visual reminder that insulated wires are in use. (2.0.16)

  • On the Wires and Insr Objs sheets, new button Show Variables in Notepad allows you to see variable names, current values, and comments as you are entering formulas. On the Optimize sheet, new button Show Comments in Notepad allows you to see variable comments as the optimizer is running. (picture) (2.0.16)

  • In the Generate Test Cases dialog window the total number of test cases to be built is automatically calculated and shown as the Start, Stop, and Step values are entered or changed. Also, there is an option to vary the frequency column first in order to do a frequency sweep for each value of a variable. (picture) (2.0.16)

  • On the Custom sheet, if the Y axis selection is "SWR at Src_" an option to use EZNEC Scaling is available. (picture) (2.0.16)

  • On the Custom sheet, if the X axis selection is "Frequency - Line" an option to Show Band Markers is available. (picture) (2.0.16)

  • On the Currents sheet, if an "Info Box" is displayed it will be included on the chart when using the Copy to Clipboard or Make GIF buttons. (2.0.16)

  • When using the Main & Axis Titles button, options are available to choose between bold and regular font styles. (2.0.16)

  • When reading NEC "TL" cards, under some circumstances a transmission line length of "0" was not converted to the EZNEC convention of length "Actual dist". (2.0.16)

  • When using the Show Excel Menu Bar (or Ribbon) button, the menu bar was re-hidden when returning from another workbook. (2.0.16)

  • Under newer versions of Excel, if AutoEZ and a second Excel workbook were open at the same time and the AutoEZ workbook window was minimized, when the other workbook was closed AutoEZ would fail with run-time error 1004. (2.0.16)

  • Minor formatting change to the default chart title on the Custom sheet. (2.0.16)

  • When opening the AutoEZ workbook for the second and subsequent times, some newer versions of Excel would show message "We found a problem with some content in 'AutoEZ.xlsm'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes." Although there was nothing wrong with the workbook, the condition which caused this message has been corrected. (2.0.15)

  • Additional checks are now made to prevent inadvertent changes to cell formatting on various sheets, such as might happen when doing a copy from one sheet and a paste to another sheet. (2.0.15)

  • A common oversight when using variable names in worksheet cells is to enter "A" or "a" instead of "=A" or "=a". Added code to catch this error. (2.0.15)

  • On the Optimize sheet, it is now possible to define multiple Custom Fr/Rear ranges. For details see "Overview: Optional Custom Fr/Rear Ranges" on the Using the Optimizer page. (2.0.15)

  • On the Smith sheet, new button Save as S1P File may be used to create a Touchstone reflection coefficient (S11) file for use with other programs such as SimSmith or VNWA. (2.0.15)

  • On the Triple sheet, options are available to plot SWR with either a fixed or floating scale. Note that if the minimum calculated SWR is close to 1:1 there may be no difference between the two choices. (2.0.15)

  • On the Custom sheet, minor formatting change if logarithmic scales are used. (2.0.15)

  • On the Insr Objs sheet, in some cases when using the Delete Row(s) button not all selected rows would be deleted. (2.0.15)

  • On the Custom, Currents, and NF 3D (if shown) sheets, under newer versions of Excel chart titles were not centered after using the Main & Axis Titles button. (2.0.15)

  • Support for the new file locations and segment limits used by EZNEC v. 6.0. Changes are backwards compatible with earlier EZNEC levels 5.0.60 through 5.0.66. (2.0.14)

  • On the Optimize sheet, an option is now available to Calculate All Rows on the Calculate sheet after completion of the optimization. This may be useful if you wish to run the optimizer unattended and you want a complete set of calculation results to be available when you return to your computer. Because this option will be of interest to relatively few users it is not enabled by default; contact me directly for more information. (2.0.14)

  • On the Calculate sheet, if the ground type is set to Real/MiniNEC the text in both the ground type and ground characteristics dropdowns will be set to red as a visual reminder. (2.0.14)

  • Additional "Info-Only" rows on the Wires sheet (columns K-L-M-N) will be automatically added if necessary after use of any of the "Create wires" or "Modify wires" buttons. (2.0.14)

  • When creating 32 or more radials an option is available to use or not use an inner ring of 16 short wires. (Formerly an inner ring was always used with 32 or more radials.) (2.0.14)

  • Added button Hide Sheet on the Optimize sheet. If the sheet is hidden when the model is saved none of the optimizer settings will be saved and the Optimize sheet will not be shown automatically when the model is next opened. (2.0.13)

  • Added CurMag() and CurPhase() custom functions to support calculations involving the magnitude and phase of currents on segments. Use of these functions is explained in Collected Short Examples: Part 7. (2.0.13)

  • It is now possible to have some wires of a model be insulated while other wires are not insulated. The procedure is explained in Collected Short Examples: Part 7. (2.0.13)

  • The initial folder shown in the Open Model File and Save Model As dialogs will be set to whatever was used for the last open or save. (Previously, folders for open and save were tracked separately.) (2.0.13)

  • The low clip limit for rectangular pattern plots has been extended to -90 dBi. (2.0.13)

  • On the Calculate sheet, new button Sort Rows (upper right) allows sorting of the calculated results, such as from lowest to highest SWR or from highest to lowest Gain. (2.0.12)

  • On the Calculate sheet, the plot angle (elevation angle for azimuth plots, azimuth angle for elevation plots) can now be set using a variable. You can then calculate multiple rows with different values for that variable to see different "slices" of the pattern. For more on this technique see View Multiple 2D Slices. (2.0.12)

  • The azimuth or elevation 2D plot step size can now be set to 0.1 degrees. (Former lower limit was 0.5 degrees.) (2.0.12)

  • The polar chart on the Patterns sheet now includes text annotation showing the type (azimuth or elevation) and angle for the plot. (2.0.12)

  • On the Custom chart sheet, the minimum, average, and maximum values for the selected X and Y axes are now shown below the dropdown boxes. (2.0.12)

  • New buttons Insert Row(s) and Delete Row(s) are available for each of the tables on the Insr Objs sheet. (2.0.12)

  • Some chart text was the wrong font size on some systems. (2.0.12)

  • A bug introduced in v. 2.0.11 limited calculations to 1500 segments for some EZNEC Pro/2 and Pro/4 users. (2.0.12)

  • A Microsoft update released on 9 December 2014 caused many existing workbooks to fail with run-time error 438. The AutoEZ installer program (setup.exe) fixes this issue. For additional details see this Microsoft support page. A Microsoft "Fix It" is also available to address the problem. (2.0.11)

  • When creating an impedance matching network on the Insr Objs sheet, the Options dialog now allows 0 (zero) as the Qu(C) and Qu(L) reference frequency. This means that the unloaded Q values for capacitors and inductors will stay constant as the calculation frequency is changed, rather than being inversely proportional to frequency (for capacitors) or proportional to the square root of frequency (for inductors). For more information on Qu(C), Qu(L), and the Q reference frequency see Simulate an Auto-Tuner. (2.0.11)

  • When using the Clear All button for Transmission Lines, Transformers, or L Networks on the Insr Objs sheet, a reminder is now shown if it appears that the Source position is no longer valid and should be reset. (2.0.11)

  • On the Wires sheet, added annotation at the top of "For Information Only" column N (segments per wavelength) to show the current frequency (which sets the length of a wavelength). For more information on the use of columns L-M-N see AutoSeg Explained. (2.0.11)

  • Refined the validity check for wires on or very close to the ground surface. (2.0.11)

  • If a new row was added as the first row using the Insert Row(s) button on the Wires sheet, subsequent attempts to save the model would result in a run-time error. (2.0.11)

  • When reading 4nec2-type NEC files:  LD 6 (Trap Load) cards without the optional Q frequency field may have had the R value computed incorrectly. Load cards with inductance in nH units were not interpreted correctly. Symbols used for wire radius on GW cards would produce an error under some circumstances. Segment counts set via symbolic expressions are now rounded to the closest integer, not truncated. (2.0.11)

  • Added comments to sample model "Vee With Formulas.weq", added new sample models "Vee_SweepVarA.weq" and "Vee_SweepFreq.weq". (2.0.10)

  • Any user-defined result columns on the Calculate sheet were not reset correctly after doing an optimization. (2.0.10)

  • A run-time error would occur if the optional With E/L/AGT checkbox on the Calculate sheet was enabled prior to starting the optimizer. (2.0.9)

  • Two ground media can be used. For details see Patterns - Polar, Rectangular, E-fld, H-fld, 2 Ground Media. (2.0.8)

  • On the Patterns sheet, added option EZNEC as one of the "Scale" choices. Both the ARRL and EZNEC options use the same logarithmic-dB scaling, the only difference is the spacing of the circular gridlines. ARRL matches the gridline spacing found in various ARRL publications; EZNEC matches the spacing used by EZNEC. (2.0.8)

  • On the Insr Objs sheet, Transmission Lines table, the Conversions dialog now includes inches for physical length as well as feet and meters. (2.0.8)

  • For the Fan Dipole and OCF Dipole sample models, some of the scratch pad comments were formatted incorrectly when the regional settings decimal separator is a comma. (2.0.8)

  • In the optional "variables in floating window" on the Optimize sheet, very small magnitude values were sometimes formatted incorrectly when values were not being rounded. (2.0.7)

  • In the comment in cell B4 of the Variables sheet, frequency was formatted incorrectly when the regional settings decimal separator is a comma. (2.0.7)

  • Added sample models "Fan Dipole Splayed Elements.weq", "Fan Dipole Parallel Elements.weq", and "OCF Dipole.weq". Use of these models is explained in Collected Short Examples: Part 4. (2.0.6)

  • When using the Open Model File, Move/Copy, Rotate, Scale, and Change Units (with re-scale option) buttons, "marked out" rows on the Wires sheet are no longer automatically hidden. You can still use the Hide Marked Rows button if desired. (2.0.6)

  • Number of decimals to display (if selected) on the Wires sheet and rounding number of decimals (if selected) on the Optimize sheet are both now set via a dropdown. (2.0.5)

  • On the Optimize sheet in the Custom Fr/Rear Range area, one or the other of the "for Az slices" or "for El slices" pairs will be grayed out depending on the choice made for Plot/Slice type on the Calculate sheet. This is just a visual reminder that only one (if any) of the Custom Fr/Rear ranges will be active for any given optimizer run. (2.0.5)

  • On the Custom chart sheet, the Set/Lock Scales button may be used to set gridline spacing for the X axis and Y axis scales along with the desired min/max scale values. On the Currents chart sheet the gridline spacing for the Y axis scale may be set. (2.0.5)

  • Correction to bug introduced in v. 2.0.3 concerning models in which the description title contains one or more double-quote (") marks. In particular this affected sample models "W5TX 2M5WB375.ez" and "'W5TX 2M5WB375 Stack With Feed.weq". (2.0.5)

  • When reading 4nec2-type NEC files with "SY" cards, any symbol names containing upper case "GS" would result in a run-time error. (2.0.5)

  • In the E-fld and Near Field dialog, variables (such as "=A") may be used for Power, Radius, X/Y Start/Stop/Step, and Z offset. You can then create multiple test cases with different values for Power, Z offset, etc. (2.0.5)

  • The NF3D chart title has been expanded to include Z offset, Power, and Frequency in order to make the charts more self-documenting. (2.0.5)

  • The NF3D chart legend has been moved slightly to the right to avoid having the axis titles overlap the legend as the viewing perspective is changed. (2.0.5)

  • The NF3D Set Scale button now lets you set the size of the legend steps. That, along with the scale min/max, will stay locked from one test case to the next. (2.0.5)

  • The Main & Axis Titles button is now enabled for NF3D charts. (2.0.5)

  • The NF3D chart sheet has a new Copy X/Y Data to Clipboard button. This allows the normally hidden X/Y rectangular grid of near field data values for a given test case to be easily pasted into a different workbook for any desired post-processing. (2.0.5)

  • The Make GIF button on the NF3D chart sheet now allows you to create a set of GIFs for all test cases at once, similar to the way it works on the Patterns sheet. So, for example, if you have a series of test cases with increasing Z offsets you can easily make GIFs for all of them. You can then use external software to assemble them into an animated GIF. (2.0.5)

  • Minor cosmetic change to the Custom chart when "Frequency - Column" is chosen as the X axis selection and one or more snapshots are being shown. (2.0.4)

  • Any entries that were present on the left side of the Calculate sheet will be restored after using the optimizer. (2.0.3)

  • Added secondary SWR gridlines when Reflection Coefficient is chosen as the Y axis selection on the Custom chart. (2.0.3)

  • Slight change to the wording of the prompt when changing the reference Zo for SWR/Rho/RL and Smith chart prime center. On the Custom chart sheet the reference Zo can be changed via a button when plotting Reflection Coefficient (rho) and Return Loss as well as SWR. (2.0.3)

  • If only a single test case is calculated the scales for the Triple and Custom charts will now match. (2.0.3)

  • EZNEC cannot be "Run as administrator" for use with AutoEZ. Added additional checks to make sure that any files left over from non-AutoEZ "Run EZNEC as administrator" do not interfere with AutoEZ operation. (2.0.3)

  • Added sample models "LPDA by Tau+Sigma.weq" and "LPDA by Elems+Boom.weq". Minor enhancements to the Transmission Lines table on the Insr Objs sheet to support more than 30 transmission lines when modeling LPDAs or arrays of LPDAs. Use of these models is explained in Collected Short Examples: Part 4. (2.0.2)

  • When using the Move/Copy, Rotate, and Scale buttons on the Wires sheet, actions will be applied to marked as well as unmarked wires. (2.0.2)

  • Correction to bug introduced in v. 2.0.1 concerning use of Subsets on the Custom chart sheet. (2.0.2)

  • When using the Insert Row(s) button on the Wires sheet, alignment of entries in the Diameter and Segs columns would be incorrect in the new rows. (2.0.2)

  • An optimizer is available. For details see Using the Optimizer. (2.0.1)

  • New "Create" dialogs make it easy to build Yagis and Quads as well as other common wire configurations. Buttons Stepped Dia, Loop, and Wire Grid have been added, along with the existing Radials. For details see Create Wires. (2.0.1)

  • Calculation speed has been improved, in some cases dramatically, due to a combination of AutoEZ and EZNEC changes. On a mid-level Windows XP machine with a 1.73 GHz Pentium processor, running 50 test cases on a model with 100 segments using EZNEC+ formerly took 19.2 seconds, now 11.5, an improvement of 40%. Same scenario using EZNEC Pro/4 formerly took 59.8 seconds, now 12.3, an improvement of 79%. (2.0.1)

  • Segs/wl (segments per wavelength) is shown in new "For Information Only" column N on the Wires sheet. In addition, a "Current number of segments = nnn" comment is shown in the header area of the Variables sheet so you can change the frequency (cell C11 on the Variables sheet) and see if the segment count changes without having to tab to the Wires sheet. Both these changes are intended to make it easier to keep track of the segmentation density for a model. See the next bullet as well. (2.0.1)

  • In the AutoSeg dialog a new "Freeze segment counts" option is available. For details see AutoSeg Explained. (2.0.1)

  • Numbers can be displayed with "0" decimals on the Wires sheet. This may be useful when XYZ coordinates have units of millimeters. (2.0.1)

  • If any rows are hidden on the Wires sheet the text of the Unhide Rows button will be red to act as a visual reminder. (2.0.1)

  • MMANA-GAL (.maa) type files, including a taper schedule if present, can be read with the Open Model File button. Some restrictions apply. For details see Read NEC, AO, and MMANA-GAL Files. (2.0.1)

  • The Rotate dialog now has CW/CCW option buttons to explicitly set the rotation direction. (2.0.1)

  • All dialogs have been modified to display correctly with 125% fonts as well as normal size fonts. (2.0.1)

  • When changes are made to a model, a reminder that recalculation is required is shown on the Calculate sheet and on all chart sheets. This reminder is closed automatically when either Calculate button is clicked. It may also be closed manually if you want to do such things as copy calculation results to lower rows for comparison or study charts in more detail before recalculating. (2.0.1)

  • Bug fix in the Transmission Lines table of the Insr Objs sheet to avoid misinterpretation of comment rows when building a "Series Section" or "Shunt Stub" type transmission line matching network. (2.0.1)

  • Bug fix to show correct Trendline equation coefficients when regional settings use comma as the decimal separator. (2.0.1)

  • Some non-English language versions of Excel may show an "unreadable content" error when the AutoEZ workbook is first opened. A workaround is available to avoid this problem, please contact me directly for details. (1.0.6)

  • Allow choice of E-fld or H-fld with Cartesian Near Field plots. (1.0.6)

  • Full support for 64-bit versions of Excel 2010 and 2013. (1.0.5)

  • Minor font size changes to the Triple sheet charts. (1.0.4)

  • For consistency across all operating systems, all temporary files created by AutoEZ ($AutoEZ$.ez, $Freqs$.txt, $Sweep$.txt) are always written to the AutoEZ home folder. (1.0.3)

  • When opening an EZNEC (.ez) type file in which the plot type is explicitly set to "3D", the AutoEZ plot choice on the Calculate sheet will be set to "Elevation at 0° azimuth". (1.0.2)

  • Initial release. (1.0.1)